jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

Mullir in the snow

The Mullir is a mountain of modest height with two peaks in eastern Cantabria. I've circled it in this photo taken from the Pico Vizmaya earlier this year. To the right is Rocías/Mortillano.

I hadn't been up the Mullir for several years, but after recent snow at low altitude it was a good opportunity to see it and the nearby mountains from a different perspective
It was also an opportunity to give Monty his first experience of snow. Setting out from near the Fuente las Varas we got to the snowline at just 600 mts. In the next photo you can see Porracolina straight in front

From the north-west summit of the Mullir looking across to the slightly higher (845 mts) south-east peak

To the NE Santoña and Laredo

To get to the other summit I had to descend a little and then skirt round the rocks

The main summit soon came into view

Between the two summits is a depression called the Hoyo Llusa

Behind the Hoyo the Buciero and Laredo with the Alto de Candina to the right

Peña Rocías on the left and La Colina behind Porracolina

Characteristic layers of rock in the mountains round here. It's fun finding the gaps in the rocks to make your way up to the top.

From the summit, Santander to the NW and the previous summit straight ahead

Down below the valley of Matienzo and in the distance the Picos de Europa

The two summits of the Mullir

I walked back following a lower layer

Peña Rocías and Porracolina again in different light

Interesting formations in the limestone

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